Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I want to know your thoughts on why we are on this earth. Why certin things happen to us, why when we are already down that shit still comes down hard on us? Why can't we change what is going on in our life? Why is it when there is something good in your life that for some reason or another that good is taken away from us? Let me know what you think

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Lets Go Pens. This is for anything that you have to say about the Pens.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The one that will never be

Have you ever meet someone that you have completely fallen for but know that no matter wat you do you can never be with that person. You stay awake all night just thinkin about that person, eating doesnt fill the empty pit in your stomach, life just doesnt seem to be worth living.

Military Life

Some days there just is no feeling like you did anything. Today was one of those days for me. I had to get up early and go to my drill unit to make up for a weekend that I missed. When I got there there was only one guy there and the whole day there were at most five people there. I think I had one assignment given to me and that was folding papers to be mailed out. I feel like my day was waisted.

Monday, November 23, 2009

First Post

So this is going to be a blog about my life, wat I think, feel and believe. I will help you and your friends that need it, already help my friends, so just want to help others. This is me, I play hockey for an adult league team, go to college at RMU, in the army, and just love life and music, although I can't sing or play an instrument. Will put atleast one post per week or more, but you'll see.